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Large Scale

Our large-scale operation delivers choice for everyone. Our clients confidently purchase rams that meet their breeding objectives and budget, resulting in better profits.

Breeding 3500 rams annually allows us to invest heavily in technologies and breeding programs. With higher selection pressure and large numbers, we can breed more high-performing outliers that break statistical trends. This helps us and our clients achieve breeding objectives faster with better financial and production outcomes.

Over 250,000 breeders are annually joined across Australia to Pooginook Merino and Poll rams. As one of the leading Studs in Australia, this provides powerful benchmarking to ensure our rams are bred for commercial purposes. This means breeding rams with production traits that drive profit while meeting customer expectations.

Annually invest $265,000 into data collection and analysis 

Breeding rams is all we do

The Pooginook business is solely focused on breeding advanced dual-purpose Merino rams. We join 6,000 stud ewes, annually producing 3,500 Merino and Poll rams. We use advanced sheep breeding programs such as, ewe lamb joinings, ram lamb joinings and artificial insemination.

Australia’s largest user of sheep DNA genomics

From 2016 - 2020 we invested over $750,000 in DNA genomics, making us Australia's largest investor in sheep genomics. We are committed to continuously investing into the science and tools that can help us breed a more advanced dual-purpose Merino.

More choice means faster genetic gains for everyone

Our scale gives us huge selection pressure to increase the speed of genetic gain and achieve our breeding objectives faster. All ewe ages are graded annually to remain in the stud. Our high weaning rates means we can have a high culling rate. Our ram battery has a high turn over rate lowering the genetic interval and increasing the rate of genetic gain.

Breeding objectives delivered on many scales

We provide large numbers of merino and poll rams to meet commerical breeding objectives. Our clients purchase anywhere from 1 ram to over 200 rams annually. These can be purchased either at auction or from the flock rams. All rams are backed by accurate ASBV's. Consistency in our genetics means buyers can select with confidence.

Large female base gives our clients options to purchase high quality surplus sheep

Over 250,000 ewes are joined to Pooginook Merino and Poll rams per year. This means clients can easily access Pooginook bred surplus sheep. We provide a complimentary service to help clients source Pooginook bred sheep.